An Alpaca can provide that perfect touch of nature ....and that bit of fun!
A gorgeous natural touch that celebrates and formally acknowledges the natural world. It's a 'tip of the hat' to Mother Nature. Alpacas are the perfect social catalyst. They provide a conversation piece, break the ice and produce incredible and unique photographic memories. Nothing beats a halter at the altar!
Some of our favourite venues with 'alpaca can-do'
Experienced photographers who have 'alpaca can-do'
Whether its your 1st or your 100th, an Alpaca is perfect!
Receive nature's blessing with an incredibly gentle 'kiss' from one of Mother Natures most endearing creatures. Capture a very special birthday with magic camera moments.
Coming soon - add value to your day by adding our Alpaca themed cakes, pinatas, puppet shows and gifts.
Bar or Bat Mitzvah
Or as one of our client's called it - a Llamitzvah!
Having an alpaca or two attend the ritual and/or associated celebration of a Bar/Bat Mitzvah can be seen as a fun and unique way of having 'Mother Nature' witness and bless this significant 'coming of age'.
Friendly attending alpacas can be a great way to reinforce and remind all of us of our responsibility to treat kindly 'mother earth' and all it's creatures.
Love of, or curiosity of, alpacas seems to be universal, shared by all genders and all ages. They are fantastic social catalysts capable of livening up any function. Photographs of special moments of interaction are priceless and serve to anchor the significance of the day in decades to come.
Have your new young man or woman blessed by a kiss from 'mother nature' on their Bar/Bat Mitzvah.
Dances, Dinners, X-mas Parties, Cocktail Hours, Annual Balls & Bridal Showers
Break the ice with an Alpaca!
An entertaining and very cute distraction that helps 'break the ice' and melts the hearts of all. Alpaca interactions are a camera magnet that creates a mini social media storm that projects your venue well beyond the hearts present but into the many hearts of the wider online community. Perfect for the Wedding Cocktail Hour, a product launch, Meet & Greet at the entrance of the Annual Ball or to give an online adrenaline shot to your venue.
Proposals, Valentine Messages & Anniversary Celebrations
A box of choclates or a handsome big eyed humming 'kissing' Alpaca?
Alpaca-posal Moment - unforgettable!
Alpaca delivered Valentine Message - unbeatable!
Alpaca-versary Celebration - comes with 'kisses'!
Something to say? Al pac a message and deliver it! :)
Christenings / Naming Ceremonies & Baby Showers
"One touch of nature makes the whole world kin" - William Shakespeare
Welcome your child and officially introduce him/her to family, friends and to Mother Nature. An Alpaca provides a welcome 'ice-breaker' for adults and a nature based distraction for attending children. It is a special moment when an Alpaca (on behalf of Mother Nature) approaches a child and formally welcomes them to the kingdom of nature with a very gentle soft 'kiss' and a quiet whisper of "welcome". ...a blessing by Mother Nature.
Funeral Service, Memorials and Wakes
Mother Nature's representative
“If I should die, and leave you here awhile
Be not like others sore undone, who keep
Long vigils by the silent dust and weep.
For my sake, turn again to life, and smile,
Nerving thy heart and trembling hand to do
Something to comfort weaker hearts than thine.
Complete these dear unfinished tasks of mine,
And I, perchance, may therein comfort you!”
― Mary Lee Hall